welcome to my site bitches, I post my shit here, big or small, you can count your ass on it (but probably don't as I'm quite slow to update my sites)

I like low level tech shit, hardware, low level software, the history of all that jazz, you name it I probably fuck with it // computer networking novice // former psychonaut but then estrogen made my life less miserable so I dont fuck around with all that anymore // major advocate for DIY HRT, and dispelling misinformation around it, you can email me about it if you want but I probs wont respond if you sound like a fed or a journalist (go fuck yourself if your either of those things) // game dev, specifically in RPG maker but I've fucked with other engines in the past (think source, godot) // I fuck with the free software movement, if it aint free its probably shit // I eat cis men //

feel free to download anything you want on this site for use on your own, hell, download the whole fucking thing if you want and use it as a template, I got it from EGGRAMEN in the first place

in a shitty country? fucking tired of your shitty endo? DIY today!

DIYHRT link dumps

  • the DIYHRT wiki
  • gives you the whole fucking rundown on literally everything uou could possibly need to know when it comes to DIYing safely

  • feminizing HRT vendor list
  • huge list of reputable vendors who sell HRT for MTF trans folk, or just bitches who want feminizing HRT, all links are vetted by trans people who have used those vendors

  • TeaHRT
  • US based feminizing HRT vendor, have bought from them many times, very responsive and quick to ship

  • transfemscience
  • these guys have a whole bunch of articles on HRT science, defs worth reading anything that looks interesting to you

    email me if you think I should add more links, but mind you I know most of the popular vendors/sites, and might just not want to list them for one reason or another

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chasers get the axe

fascists get the axe

I'm probably not gonna accept your friend request if you add me from somewhere randomly because I'll just assume your one of those two lol, just email me if your interested in anything I do (unless your one of those two, then as mentioned previously, you get the axe)